Vapor Intrusion Experts. Soil and Groundwater Experts. Contamination Consultants.

220 West Gutierrez Street. Santa Barbara, CA 93101  |  (805) 880-9302

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Articles by author: LEA Environmental, Inc.

California Sets Drinking Water Standard for 1,2,3-TCP

By LEA Environmental, Inc. on Jul 24, 2017 at 11:36 PM in Environmental Issues

California has established a stringent limit on the agricultural chemical, 1,2,3-TCP in drinking water. TCP has already been detected at the newly enforceable level of 5 parts per trillion in over 100 water systems serving nearly a million people across the state.


Dr. Lorne Everett presents a proposal to create a World Water Crisis Centre

Dr. Lorne Everett presents a proposal to create a World Water Crisis Centre
By LEA Environmental, Inc. on Jan 07, 2017 at 11:07 PM in LEA Announcements

Dr. Lorne G. Everett presented a proposal to create a World Water Crisis Centre to the World Federation of Scientists on August 23, 2016 at the San Domenico Monastery in Erice, Italy. The proposal is part of the New Manhattan Project sponsored by the World Federation of Scientists located at CERN Geneva. The proposal is co-sponsored by the UNESCO International Hydrological Program in Paris, the Russian Academy of Sciences Water Problems Institute in Moscow, and the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. The initial 5-year program will be funded by seed money from the World Federation of Scientists. The World Economic Forum whose membership includes heads of state, CEOs, and civic leaders, ranked water crises as the top global risk to industry and society over the next decade. Dr. Everett is the Chairman of the World Federation of Scientists Panel on Pollution.


Planetary Emergencies: Averting Disaster: Science for Peace in a Perilous Age

By LEA Environmental, Inc. on Dec 28, 2016 at 06:18 PM in LEA Announcements

LEA CEO, Dr. Lorne Everett authors chapter in the book commemorating contributions of the Erice International Seminars.


A Call to Action from Scientists and Health Professionals to Reduce Exposure to Toxic Chemicals

By LEA Environmental, Inc. on Jul 08, 2016 at 09:59 PM in Environmental Issues

Citing a rise in incidence of neurodevelopmental disorders, scientists and medical professionals call on the nation to do better protecting children from toxic chemicals.


Dr. Everett Receives Academy’s Highest Honor

Dr. Everett Receives Academy’s Highest Honor
By LEA Environmental, Inc. on Jun 10, 2016 at 10:57 PM in LEA Announcements

Our C.E.O, Dr. Lorne Everett, received the American Academy of Water Resource Engineers' highest award at the May 2016 World Water & Environmental Resources Conference in West Palm Beach Florida.


NGWA and University of Arizona Symposium - Hydrology: The Next 50 Years

NGWA and University of Arizona Symposium - Hydrology: The Next 50 Years
By LEA Environmental, Inc. on Apr 06, 2016 at 07:51 PM in LEA Announcements

The University of Arizona Department of Hydrology celebrated its 50th Anniversary on April 2, 2016 in Tucson, Arizona. The Department of Hydrology has been ranked number one in the US for several years. Dr. Lorne Everett who received the 13th PhD in hydrology in the US from the Department of Hydrology at the University of Arizona was asked to speak on �The Future of Professional Practice in Hydrology.�


Dr. Wells Testifies at State Capitol

Dr. Wells Testifies at State Capitol
By LEA Environmental, Inc. on Feb 08, 2016 at 11:24 AM in LEA Announcements

Jim Wells of LEA testified at the January 26, 2016 hearing of the State Assembly Committee on Environmental Safety


Dr. Lorne Everett Presentation to the Legal Professionals Association: Environmental Litigation Takes Dramatic Shift Driven by Human Health Vapor Intrusion Liability

Dr. Lorne Everett Presentation to the Legal Professionals Association: Environmental Litigation Takes Dramatic Shift Driven by Human Health Vapor Intrusion Liability
By LEA Environmental, Inc. on Dec 09, 2015 at 09:09 AM in Environmental Litigation

Environmental Litigation Takes Dramatic Shift Driven by Human Health Vapor Intrusion Liability. The presentation was given in the Hill Carrillo Adobe in Santa Barbara on October 21, 2015. The lecture covered the emergence of class action suits involving vapor intrusion sites in the United States. Costs of soil and groundwater site cleanup were compared with long term liability caused by volatile site contamination entering homes and office buildings causing human health risks and potential explosions. The presentation was approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) credit required of attorneys.


Dr. Lorne Everett Chairs World Federation of Scientists’ Pollution Panel in Erice Italy

Dr. Lorne Everett Chairs World Federation of Scientists’ Pollution Panel in Erice Italy
By LEA Environmental, Inc. on Oct 27, 2015 at 04:23 PM in LEA Announcements


Dr. Wells Appointed Technical Advisor to Exide Community Group

Dr. Wells Appointed Technical Advisor to Exide Community Group
By LEA Environmental, Inc. on Oct 19, 2015 at 09:45 AM in LEA Announcements

Jim Wells of L. Everett & Associates have been appointed to serve as technical advisor to the Exide Community Advisory Group, working with South Coast Air Quality Management District and California Department of Toxic Substances Control on environmental issues related to cleanup of lead and other contaminants from the former Exide secondary lead smelter in Vernon, California. Dr. Wells has a particular area of expertise in the fate and transport of metals in the environment.


Dr. Everett played a significant role in insuring that our demonstration projects would result in complete and fully acceptable data that could transition into cost-effective innovative technologies in the field.
Director of Environmental Programs
Naval Facilities Engineering Command