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Dr. Lorne Everett presents a proposal to create a World Water Crisis Centre

By LEA Environmental, Inc. on Jan 07, 2017 at 11:07 PM in LEA Announcements
Dr. Lorne Everett presented a proposal to create a World Water Crisis Centre
World Water Crisis Centre Proposal September 2016

Dr. Lorne G. Everett presented a proposal to create a World Water Crisis Centre to the World Federation of Scientists on August 23, 2016 at the San Domenico Monastery in Erice, Italy. The proposal is part of the New Manhattan Project sponsored by the World Federation of Scientists located at CERN Geneva. The proposal is co-sponsored by the UNESCO International Hydrological Program in Paris, the Russian Academy of Sciences Water Problems Institute in Moscow, and the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. The initial 5-year program will be funded by seed money from the World Federation of Scientists. The World Economic Forum whose membership includes heads of state, CEOs, and civic leaders, ranked water crises as the top global risk to industry and society over the next decade. Dr. Everett is the Chairman of the World Federation of Scientists Panel on Pollution.

Dr. Everett also Co-chaired the Plenary Session on Water Crisis with Dr. Antonio Zichichi (member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences) at the International Seminars on Planetary Emergencies on August 20-23, 2016 in Erice Italy. These Erice meetings are organized by the Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, and over the years have included 134 Nobel Laureates.

View the full text of the World Water Crisis Centre Proposal here.

Dr. Everett played a significant role in insuring that our demonstration projects would result in complete and fully acceptable data that could transition into cost-effective innovative technologies in the field.
Director of Environmental Programs
Naval Facilities Engineering Command