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Dr. Lorne Everett Chairs World Federation of Scientists’ Pollution Panel in Erice Italy

By LEA Environmental, Inc. on Oct 27, 2015 at 04:23 PM in LEA Announcements
Dr. Lorne Everett Chairs World Federation of Scientists’ Pollution Panel in Erice Italy
The restored monastery of San Domineco: site of the World Federation of Scientists' International Seminar

The World Federation of Scientists' 48th Annual International Seminar on Planetary Emergencies was held in August in the Phoenician-era city of Erice, Italy. This year, the theme of the seminar was, "The Role of Science in the Third Millennium." The opening lecture was entitled, “A New Manhattan Project to Face the 72 Planetary Emergencies” by Professor Antonino Zichichi, University of Bologna, Enrico Fermi Centre, CERN and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Everett chaired the August 19 Pollution Panel meetings covering:

  • Our Dying Oceans: Biological, Fisheries and Chemical Threats from Ocean Pollution,
  • Water Resources and Limits to Development,
  • Contamination from the Herbicide Glyphosate and
  • Nuclear Waste Disposal Options.

On August 21, Dr. Everett co-chaired the Plenary Session with Professor Zichichi on Our Dying Oceans. On August 22 Dr. Everett co-chaired the Plenary Session with Dr. Ignacio Armillas (Retired Director of the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements) entitled, Water Pollution and Development Issues. On August, 23 Dr. Everett gave the Annual Pollution Report to the World Federation of Scientists. All Plenary Sessions are held in the restored San Domenico Monastery—pictured here—in the beautiful and historic “Science City” of Erice.

Dr. Everett has helped us address one of the great environmental catastrophes in our region.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chief Prosecuting Attorney