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Welcome Dr. Richard Troast!

By LEA Environmental, Inc. on Oct 02, 2013 at 12:08 PM in LEA Announcements

LEA is pleased to introduce our new associate, Dr. Richard Troast, an accomplished authority in the field of environmental toxicology, with a special emphasis on lead and asbestos toxicity. Dr. Troast is a former senior scientist at the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Emergency and Remedial Response. At EPA, he was responsible for interagency coordination and oversight of Superfund and hazardous waste activities. He served as chairman of the Superfund Asbestos Task Force, Chairman of the Metals Technical Review Workgroup and was a member of the EPA Genomic Taskforce. He received many honors and awards for his service to the environmental community, including the EPA Silver Medal for Superior Service and EPA Special Achievement Awards.

Internationally, Dr. Troast advised the Kingdom of Jordan on development of its first comprehensive program for management of hazardous waste. Dr. Troast earned his PhD in Environmental Science and Public Policy from George Mason University and Bachelor and Master’s degrees from West Virginia University. Dr. Troast is also a retired Lt. Colonel in the US Air Force Reserve.

Dr. Troast provides environmental consulting and expert witness services in the areas of risk assessment, lead toxicity, childhood lead exposure, asbestos, and toxicological risks associated with other hazardous substances. Dr. Troast is also an adjunct professor in Biology and Environmental Science in Virginia where he teaches environmental science, biology and other courses.

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