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Dr. Lorne Everett is chairing the Pollution Permanent Monitoring Panel Meetings of the 46th Session of the International Seminar on Planetary Emergencies

By LEA Environmental, Inc. on Aug 12, 2013 at 09:05 AM in LEA Announcements

Dr. Lorne Everett is chairing the Pollution Permanent Monitoring Panel Meetings of the 46th Session of the International Seminar on Planetary Emergencies of the World Federation of Scientists. The meetings will take place in the Pope John Paul II Lecture Halls starting on August 19, 2013 in Erice, Italy. This year discussions will include Innovative Technologies for Chlorinated Solvent Remediation, Innovative Petroleum Cleanup Technologies, Nanoparticle Cleanup Applications, Global Water Security, Terrorist Threat to Water Systems, Endocrine Disrupting Chemical Impacts on Aquatic Systems, and Transport Issues of Endocrine Disrupting Chemical Bioterrorism. Here is the complete agenda of presentations and presenters.  

  • WFS_Agenda_2013 – WFS_2013_Pollution_PMP_Agenda.pdf

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