Vapor Intrusion Experts. Soil and Groundwater Experts. Contamination Consultants.

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Vapor Intrusion Paper Co-authored by Dr. Everett

By LEA Environmental, Inc. on Jan 30, 2013 at 09:06 AM in Environmental Issues

This paper coauthered by Lorne Everett, Mark Kram and Peter Morris is generating lots of conversation about temporal variability of the processes that cause vapor intrusion.

A recent article about vapor intrusion is generating healthy debates about how best to monitor subsurface vapor at sites with vapor intrusion problems. It includes a case study of testing at homes adjacent to an oil and gas field. Findings included confirmation that there can be very large concentration shifts due to things like changes in atmospheric pressure and other variables. The article coauthored by Lorne Everett and our friends and Colleagues, Mark Kram and Peter Morris is titled, "Dynamic Subsurface Explosive Vapor Concentrations: Observations and Implications" and was published in the Winter 2011 edition of the peer-reviewed Journal of Remediation.

Feel free to contact us at L. Everett & Associates if you would like to receive a copy of this important paper.

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